Some political analysts regard South Sudan as a country held hostage by the gun lobby.
The AKIL Ta Ballet Farm
The TYI’s pilot project, AKIL Ta Ballet will be carried out on 3000 hectares of agricultural land in the Loka Round Central. Maize planting is expected in the months of March and April to be primarily dependent on rainfall. After maize harvesting, sorghum will be planted to ensure crop rotation and maximize land productivity.
The Agriculture Transformation Center
TYI will establish an Agricultural Transformation Centre (ATC) to serve farmers in the Equatoria District.
Loka Round Central
Southern Sudan is endowed with vast agriculturally productive land, rich soils, abundant water supplies, and a favourable climate.
Building Resilient Food Systems in Africa Key to Food Security
Africa has the natural resources and the policies required to tackle poverty and hunger – but these policies are not effectively implemented. Noting the impact